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PS4 Bloodborne


Nista novo sto se nas tice, cekamo neko oficijelno reizdanje kad se smiluju. A razvoj igre je bio na PC-u, sto je ocekivano. FROM je isto radio za sve svoje Souls igre.
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DF je vec bio to prikazao davno, neki dev je pokrenuo Lance-ov 1080p60 mod i poslao im snimak. DF je kao bonus takodje napravio i 4K verziju preko AI upscale -a.

Potrebna je PS5 konzola koja pokrece unsigned code, sto su sada samo devkitovi u studijima developera. Jos nema jailbreak-a koji omogucava pokretanje narodnih igara i modova.
Imran Khan iz Game Informera je potvrdio stari izvestaj Lance McDonald-a da je postojao PC port projekat za Bloodborne, ali da godinama nije cuo ista novo o tome.


The wait continues.

FromSoft boss Hidetaka Miyazaki has discussed the possibility of a Bloodborne remake, and the benefits of waiting for new hardware on which to revisit the beloved PlayStation 4 classic.

"It is a title we hold very dear and just as much as our fans," Miyazaki told Eurogamer when questioned about the possibility of a Bloodborne remake, in an interview timed alongside today's proper unveiling of the Elden Ring DLC. "It does make me very happy to see that there are still so many people passionate about it."

But would a remake benefit from newer hardware to make the release worthwhile? FromSoftware's Demon's Souls, for example, was remade as a PS5 launch title after originally launching on PS3 - a double console generation leap that meant the re-release felt more significant.

"I think having new hardware is definitely a part of what gives these remakes value," Miyazaki said. "Things you weren't able to achieve on previous generations of hardware, ways you weren't able to render specific expressions - [new hardware] sometimes makes it possible.

"However, I wouldn't say that's the be all and end all," Miyazaki continued. "I think purely from a user perspective, modern hardware also allows more players to appreciate all the games. And so, it ends up being a simple reason, but as a fellow player, I think that accessibility is important. I think that can be the driving force between bringing an old game to a new platform."

Whether a Bloodborne remake eventually sees the light of day, regardless of whether it may arrive on either PS5 or PS6, Miyazaki said he was "very happy" to see so many passionate fans calling for a Bloodborne remake to happen.

Miyazaki apologised for being unable to say anything more specific about remaking the PS4 exclusive, but said he was "thrilled" at the game's continued response.

"Put simply, it makes me very happy to see it's a title with a lot of specific memories, both for me and the staff who worked on it," he said. "And when we see those passionate voices in the community, of course it makes us feel thrilled, it makes us feel very fortunate to have that and to have those memories."
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