Steam has finally launched in the world’s biggest gaming market, China. The country’s strict oversight means Steam China has just 41 titles available at launch, compared to over 48,000 on the global version, with regulations likely to hamper the variety of new additions for the foreseeable...
Publisher Kalypso Media and developer Frima Studio have announced Disciples: Liberation, a mature, dark fantasy strategy RPG with turn-based combat, for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, X…
Publisher Deep Silver and developer 4A Games will release Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition for PC via Steam, the Epic Games Store, and GOG this spring, the companies announced.
Ja sam igrao malo dvojku ovih dana i brzo odustao, bas je lose ostario serijal imho. Uzasna kamera, cheap neprijatelji i ogavan platforming koji kada se nadoveze sa uzas kamerom dovodi do puno nerviranja na gluposti, a ja nemam zivaca za to. Nije tesko zato sto je tesko nego samo nervira fuck that
VGC javlja da je Konami postao voljan da offsource-uje svoje igre kod externih studija. Nije potvrdjeno ali mozda Bloober Team i jedan japanski tim [nije KojiPro] rade na Silent Hill igrama, i cak postoje sanse da se nadju domovi za nove Castlevania/MetalGear igre.
Japanska Silent Hill ce mozda biti prikazane uskoro [ove godine?], za Bloober projekat nemaju info, ali ostali projekti nece skoro [ako su uopste nasli nekog ko ce se cimati sa time].
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