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Movie TV Trejleri i Vesti 2021

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Pa kako ti je onda extra vest to što rade remake filma starog 20 godina?
Pa kako ti je onda extra vest to što rade remake filma starog 20 godina?
Mozda misli da ce ga uraditi jos bolje, sto mi bas i ne deluje verovatno, nit filmu treba remake nit je outdated na bilo koji nacin.
Pa kako ti je onda extra vest to što rade remake filma starog 20 godina?
Pa ako radi Christopher Nolan opet na njemu, mozda ne bude sve isto, nego neki reimagine-ing, neke nove ideje, da se dopuni, mozda ispadne dobro, posto mi je ta tematika bas zanimljiva.
Ma najjače da će Nolan da radi rimejk svog filma.
imdb me sjebao, video sam da mu je taj projekat izlistan kao nesto na cemu radi, medjutim posle izvalih da je to samo writers tab, a ne sta rezira...

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ja sam ga video u nekoj seriji, neku sporednu ulogu, ali ne mogu da se setim gde :D

mogao bi i fnl da se obrne ponovo, texas forever!

Inace, danas pocela treca sezona Titans, izbacili prve tri epizode. (y)
Odlicno, solidan buildup su odradili za downfall Jason Todd-a, nadam se da ce pred kraj ove sezone da prikazu mlacenje crowbarom. :D
Blood Red Sky is set to be Netflix's most successful German content to date, film or TV, with more than 50 million households around the world projected to watch the film by next week. That surpasses the historical series Barbarians, which previously held the record.

The plane hijacking / vampire film only released on July 23 and will reach the benchmark within its its first 28 days on the platform.

In addition to its global audience figures – which saw an average of 90% of viewers watch the entire two-hour runtime – the film has also reached the top 10 in 93 countries, hitting the number one spot in 57 including the U.S., Brazil, Saudi Arabia and the Philippines. It has actually been more of an international hit than a German one, having only reached no.2 in its native country, though notably the film is primarily in English, with portions in German
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