– Seems to use similar hybrid emulation system to Mario Sunshine in Super Mario 3D All-Stars
– Games run on an emulator which emulate the GPU functions of the GameCube; CPU side is compiled to run natively on Switch
– True to the GameCube originals with some embellishments
– Pikmin 1 + 2 has native 1080p resolution when docked with widescreen, compared to 480p on GameCube
– 720p in portable mode
– No anti-aliasing applied to the image, so there can be some rough edges and pixel shimmer
– Font, UI in menus/gameplay upgraded
– Low texture quality; many texture assets exactly the same as on GameCube
– Olimar’s spaceship sees some improvements
– Pre-rendered cutscenes reworked to 1080p
– Locked 30 frames per second
– No frame pacing issues, which is a plus
Ukratko slično kao Mario Sunshine za Switch, sigurno će još GC/Wii igara biti portovano na ovaj način (uključujući Metroid Prime 2/3),
kako je krenuo Nintendo će izgleda portovati skoro sve svoje najbolje igre sa prethodnih platformi na Switch.