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Rap i Hip Hop

Dobar producent, od Izraelske salate ga pratim i uvek radi mađije sa bitovima i semplovima.
Gledao live sinoc do 4; kao da sam bio tamo. :love: Steta sto su skinuli taj stream odlicnog kvaliteta.

Hip Hop 101 (y)
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(Inače bend žanrovski izvodi i druge stvari, ali ovo valjda spada u ovaj thread.)
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Kačim i ja često u Metal stvari koje nisu strogo gledano Metal tako da ne postoje nikakvi pravilnici

Many men make moves more useless
Use abuse quick, losers, juiceless
Bitch, either speak the truth or you leave toothless
Two fists of the furiously ruthless
Justice for my very own amusement with no regard for the conclusion
I swagger with rats tappin' the glass in a Gov. lab
Pass me the gloves, mask and flask of the cheapest liquor you have
In the back of the Tasmanian path, insane again laughin'
Cacklin' at the randomness of the city and all its facts

The dark art of interrogation agent skippin' class
And at last in a flash on my tip toes walkin' on cracked glass
Gats blast and wiz by fast or just catch in my calves like hold that
In other words, I'm trash, glad you asked

I naravno jak Twin Peaks sempl gas ideeeeeeeee
decko je odradio odlican 'remake' ovog hita, plus je doveo glavu Shiftyja da jos jednom deliveruje :D

Izgleda ko tetovirani Zoran Kalezić sad

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