Ne tako, bad DieHard, treba da pises lepo o Soniju, a ne ruzno!PSN je down ceo dan danas. Izgleda da pocinje da se vraca polako u nekim regijama, ali jos mnogi pizde zbog nedostupnog MP-a tokom vikenda.
"As a make good for nearly a full day of service being lost, PlayStation is giving all PlayStation Plus members five extra days. The extension will automatically be added to all plans."20h je bio down baš mnogo
PlayStation Gives Reason For PSN Outage; Offers Amends
PlayStation has given a reason for the PSN outage that brought the network down for roughly 20 hours over the
Pretrgli se nema sta,japanske cicije"As a make good for nearly a full day of service being lost, PlayStation is giving all PlayStation Plus members five extra days. The extension will automatically be added to all plans."
Nintendo bi se duboko poklonio.
What?^ zato sam i to napisao
Taj hack je bio unistio par igara, ostali smo bez Motorstorm franshize tada...