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PS5 PlayStation 5 Console Info - hardver, os, softver, vesti

Kudos za monitore, zadnji put su monitore pravili pre fazon 10 god ako ne i vise.
Za monitore im nije prvi put, ko se seca ovog cuda

Monitor je mogao da se prebaci u coop mod, gde TV preuzme splitscreen signal od konzole, i svakom igracu [koji nosi 3D naocare] dostavi FULL SCREEN gameplay. :D

Sav ovaj hardver ce verovatno biti od redovnog Sony Electronic-a, uz dodati "playstation" sticker na kutiji.
Za monitore im nije prvi put, ko se seca ovog cuda

Monitor je mogao da se prebaci u coop mod, gde TV preuzme splitscreen signal od konzole, i svakom igracu [koji nosi 3D naocare] dostavi FULL SCREEN gameplay. :D

Sav ovaj hardver ce verovatno biti od redovnog Sony Electronic-a, uz dodati "playstation" sticker na kutiji.
Video sam ovo na kp pre nekih godinu dve, lik je trazio toliko para da sam mogao da odem u japan da ga kupim i vratim se nazad lux klasom....

Послато са WP5 Pro помоћу Тапатока

There are two gaming monitors currently in Sony’s InZone lineup, the M9 and M5. The M9 is a 27-inch 4K monitor with a 144 Hz refresh rate, while the InZone M5 sports a 240 Hz refresh rate at 1080p resolution. Both models feature HDMI 2.1 and USB-C ports as well as variable refresh rate support — just like the PS5 does — but only the higher-end M9 offers full-array local dimming, which improves image quality by delivering better contrast. The M9 will cost $899 at launch, while the M5 is priced at $529.

M9 review

Sto se slusalice tice :

Two wireless InZone-branded headsets are also coming from Sony — the top-of-the-line InZone H9 and the H7, both with 2.4GHz wireless and Bluetooth connectivity — alongside a wired headset, the H3. They’re noticeably larger and more robust than Sony’s existing Pulse 3D wireless headset for the PlayStation 5. Sony says the wireless headsets will get 32 and 40 hours of battery life, respectively. The H9 will cost $299, while the H7 is priced at $229 and the H3 will go for $100.

Prvi review headseta :

Jade pravi novi Ubi za PlayStation. :) Videcemo kako ce im ispasti ta live service igra.

Inace, jer Ubi Montreal lead za 2023/2024 Assassins Creed Infinity, rumorovana live service igra koja ce biti "vecno" nadogradjivana sa novim istorijskim destinacijama?
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