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Movie TV Disney+ Marvel & MCU

Antman 3 izgleda mnoooogo vise "epic" nego sto sam to ocekivao. Prva dva filma su bila jurnjava po ulicama NY-a sa low-stakes superherojisanjem. No end of the world stuff, samo su ono spasavali jedni druge.

Izgleda da ce ovo biti bas velik uvod u sledeci Avengers gde ce Kang biti glavni negativac.
Meni i ovo deluje kao deus ex machina spajdermen zaplet. Ali može da bude zanimljivo.
xd gde? stara angela izgleda kao da moze da je polomi.
McU's Blade Movie Back On Track With New Director & Writer

The Marvel Cinematic Universe's upcoming Blade reboot movie has found its new director and writer. Mahershala Ali, who portrayed Cottonmouth in Luke Cage, is reentering the MCU, but this time as a completely different character, as he is set to play Blade on the big screen. While his solo film had Bassam Tariq as its director, the filmmaker ended up departing the Blade project, forcing Marvel Studios to go back to the drawing board.

However, the search is finally over, as Deadline reports that Lovecraft Country pilot director Yann Demange has been tapped to helm the Blade movie. The trade also reveals that When They See Us writer Michael Starrbury has been hired to pen the screenplay for the upcoming MCU reboot. At the time of writing, no filming start date was revealed for the new Blade movie. Previously, when Tariq departed the reboot, X-Men '97 head writer Beau DeMayo
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