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PS5 Xseries Switch PC General Multiplatform tema (trejleri/vesti/glasine)

Call of Duty: Vanguard removes Quran pages after critics call the depiction disrespectful​

Al zato kad treba da se Rusi označe kao Ratni zločinci to može jdhsagksAKASD


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare faces Russian backlash​

Čekam Kolodjuti gde će prikazati kako Marinci siluju avganitsanke i pucaju im u glavu onda.
Nisu odavno pravili novi AAA IP, sada im vec ponestaje materijala za HQ remastere i rimejkove. Sledece godine cemo saznati o cemu se zapravo radi u ovoj igri.

Thymesia adds PS5 and Xbox Series versions, delayed to 2022

A kingdom once thriving on the power of alchemy enters an age of calamity. After discovering the price behind alchemy, an attempt to stop the use of it backfired. Within a few days, the kingdom was in chaos and the streets infested with monsters.
The key to understanding all of this is in Corvus’ hands, but he has lost his memory. The truth can only be found within his memories, but every time he dives back in, he only finds more secrets.
Key Features
  • Harness the Plague – Seize the disease from gruesome bosses and wield them as weapons. Give them a taste of their own medicine. This is the only way to survive this desolate kingdom.
  • Embrace the Raven – Shift into your raven form during battle. Throw your feathers like daggers and execute enemies with the swiftness of a raptor.
  • Fight Your Way – Upgrade and modify your basic movements and plague weapons. Build your very own play-style and prepare for the challenges in your way.
  • Shattered Memories – Recover your memories through adventures. With different choices you’ve made and items you’ve collected, you’ll get different endings. Stitch together your own truth.
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