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PS5 Xseries Switch PC General Multiplatform tema (trejleri/vesti/glasine)

Zaista me ne bi cudilo da pocnu da rade remaster, pa remake i tako dupliraju zaradu :D
Ovo nema sanse da ce biti tradicionalna linearna cinematic igra. Ubi ne pravi takve igre vise.
Brate mili kakav trejler , pa Ragnarok trejler za ovo limunadica.


High Fidelity Graphics
Striking visuals enhanced on PC. Enjoy true 4K resolution, on supported devices, [MU1] with unlocked framerates for peak performance. Dial in your settings via a wide range of graphical presets and options including higher resolution shadows, improved screen space reflections, the addition of GTAO and SSDO, and much more.
Grand Theft Auto The Trilogy Definitive Edition - Three iconic cities, three epic stories. Play the genre-defining classics of the original Grand Theft Auto Trilogy: Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas updated for a new generation, now with across-the-board enhancements including brilliant new lighting and environmental upgrades, high-resolution textures, increased draw distances, Grand Theft Auto V-style controls and targeting, and much more, bringing these beloved worlds to life with all new levels of detail.

Ma mozda je greska u listingu, Atlusu ne treba verovati.
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