Brate da im mozda ne trebaju konobari ili sezonski radnici???Sve u svemu, barataju sa jako puno igara, ali narasli su na skoro 300 developera i planiraju jos da se sire.
PlayStation’s Steam page is live and seemingly hints at more PC content
PlayStation’s Steam page is live and seemingly hints at more PC content | VGC
Sony’s PC storefront lists 41 pieces of content, but only around half is visible…
Steam Curator: PlayStation Studios™
PlayStation Studios is home to the development of Sony Interactive Entertainment’s own outstanding and immersive games, including some of the most popular and critically acclaimed titles in entertainment
Koliko se secam onih emailova od ranije valjda treba da izadje jos jedna igra iz Sony kuhinje, bila je navodno prica da ce tri igre lansirati na PC (Horizon, Days Gone) i hmm koja bi mogla biti treca tipujem na Spajdermena ili GoW. Licno bi voleo Bloodborne posto me GoW ne zanima toliko, u slucaju da BB bude treca igra stavicu sliku Kena Kuturagija na avatar na jedno 30 dana. Obecavam javno pred forumskim pucanstvom.Biće nešto, pojedinci će završiti na respiratorima.![]()