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PS5 Xseries PC Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Brate ko ima vremena da gleda ove glupe video opise, dajte bre ocene i kraj :D
Taj rad, ne secam se kad sam zadnji put procitao ceo review ili odgledao video review...
Samo bacim pogled na ocenu na MC-u, samo za tako nesto imam volje.

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Dosta stvari koje mi se bas ne svidjaju sam cuo u ovom review-u, iako su joj dali 9/10, bice no-play for me, ne mami me cak ni da je probam.
razmaženi yt-uberi, bože ne daj da nekad kupe igru i odrade opis. bar kada daju svoje pare onda obejktivnije odrade opis neko kada dobiju džabalesku

Nije baš tako. Ogroman broj ljudi kupi u prvoj nedelji i na njih utiču samo opisi koji do tada izađu. Pažljivim odabirom kome daš priliku da igra igru i napiše kritiku pre zvaničnog izlaska drastično utičeš na utisak koji ljudi imaju u tom ključnom periodu.

Da su rekli "Dovoljno si velik da kupiš unapred pa onda da doiješ pristup" imao bi pravo. Ovo je ipak drugačije. Da ne spominjem da, ako mu je jutjub posao, kašnjenje drastično utiče na profitabilnost takvog videa.
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Dobar PC port.


Bioware now has fewer than 100 people​

Info is via Bloomberg, BioWare sources told Bloomberg the studio has been downsized to under 100 people.

But at least they got to keep their jobs. During the same reorganization this week, around two dozen other people at BioWare were laid off, according to the people familiar, who asked not to be identified discussing nonpublic information. Writer Trick Weekes and producer Jen Cheverie said on Bluesky that they were among the veteran workers who’d been cut.
BioWare is now down from more than 200 people two years ago to less than 100 today, according to the people familiar. A small team will remain to work on the next Mass Effect game — led by company veterans who oversaw the development on the original trilogy as well as on 2019’s Anthem — in hopes of expanding as the game gets further into production.
The company announced the reorganization on Wednesday, saying it planned to “become a more agile, focused studio,” without mentioning the job cuts and the relocation of staff permanently to other studios. A spokesperson for EA declined to comment on specific numbers.
Dragon Age: The Veilguard was undeniably divisive, but to many who worked on it, it was a miraculous accomplishment to even ship a complete game after EA forced live-service into it, then reversed course. Now, their reward for the long hours and hard work is layoffs and transfers.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Was a High Quality Game That Failed Due to Lack of Shared World Elements, Says EA CEO

Our blockbuster storytelling strategy is built on three strategic objectives: first, create an authentic story experience for the core audience; second, build innovative groundbreaking features; and third, emphasize high-quality launches across both PC and console. In order to break out beyond the core audience, games need to directly connect to the evolving demand of players who increasingly seek shared world features and deeper engagement alongside high-quality narratives in this beloved category. Dragon Age: The Veilguard had a high-quality launch and was well-reviewed by critics and those who played. However, it did not resonate with a broad enough audience in this highly competitive market.

Later in the earnings call, Stuart Canfield, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Electronic Arts, added:

Dragon Age: The Veilguard underperformed, highlighting the competitive dynamics of the single-player RPG market. [...] Historically, blockbuster storytelling has been the primary way our industry bought beloved IP to players. The game's financial performance highlights the evolving industry landscape and reinforces the importance of our actions to reallocate resources toward our most significant and highest potential opportunities.
Hahaha, trenutno jedna od 50 pokrenutih live service igara bude profitabilna, većina se cancel-uje još pre izlaska, ali Dragon Age nije uspeo jer nije bio takva igra. Ovaj laže akcionare EA kao što Vučić laže nas. Live service igre su alavim menadžerima u firmama koje prave igre kao EXPO kod nas.
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