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🎸 Rock and Co [Blues, Country, Americana...]

Zašto ovde brat zvuči kao Bob Dylan? Hajde da ne grešim dušu, ovo 10/10 klasičan rnr. Plus malo peščane Kalifornije i dosta masnoga reverba.


Nije metal, a nije ni klasičan rock. Već nabrijani noise rock. Koliko mi je i taj žanr danas postao izvikan ovi briljiraju, izdvojio brih bratovljev vokal. I naravno finte sa rifićima koje se ne čuju često. Topla preporuka ako želite u nekom treningu da izbacite sav bes i jaru. :cool:
Bezveze, gledao sam ih uživo kad su bili kod nas.

Inače nije toliko mator koliko sam mislio, mogli su da guraju još par godina.

Ode i Joey Jordison. Znam da je imao problema sa zdravljem al opet...
Pink Floyd’s A Momentary Lapse Of Reason - Remixed & Updated will be released on 29 October 2021. The album will be available on double 180g heavyweight vinyl (cut at 45rpm for enhanced sound quality), CD, CD & DVD, CD & Blu-ray and digitally with Stereo and 5.1 mixes. In addition, for the first time, and from 19 October 2021, the album will be presented in Dolby Audio and UHD in addition to 360 Reality Audio, all of which will continue with other Pink Floyd releases. 360 Reality Audio is a new immersive music experience that closely mimics the omni-directional soundscape of live musical performance for the listener using Sony’s object-based 360 Spatial Sound technologies.
The release of ‘The Later Years’ project in 2019 gave an opportunity for a fresh overview of the ‘A Momentary Lapse Of Reason’ album, originally released in 1987. By returning to some of Richard Wright's original keyboard takes, and by re-recording new drum tracks with Nick Mason, producers David Gilmour and Bob Ezrin have restored a better creative balance between the three Pink Floyd members.
David Gilmour said: “Some years after we had recorded the album, we came to the conclusion that we should update it to make it more timeless, featuring more of the traditional instruments that we liked and that we were more used to playing. This was something we thought it would benefit from. We also looked for and found some previously unused keyboard parts of Rick’s which helped us to come up with a new vibe, a new feeling for the album”.
Nick Mason added: “There’s little doubt of the advantages in being able to find new elements within the music, or more often uncovering elements that became overwhelmed with all that new science…I think there is an element of taking the album back in time and taking the opportunity to create a slightly more open sound - utilising some of the things we had learned from playing so much of the album live over two massive tours. It was also nice to have an opportunity to enhance some of Rick’s work. Again, that positive tidal wave of technology just might have provided too many digital opportunities to overwhelm the band feel. Hopefully that’s one of the benefits of this remix!”
The remixed and updated ‘A Momentary Lapse Of Reason’ album also features a new album cover using an alternative beds photo by Robert Dowling from the original album cover shoot directed by the late Storm Thorgerson. Echoing the iconic original sleeve the 2021 album artwork is designed and art directed by Aubrey Powell/Hipgnosis and Peter Curzon/StormStudios.
A special version of the video for Learning To Fly is available with Sony 360RA immersive audio: if you watch the new video on Pink Floyd's YouTube channel with headphones you experience simulated 360RA sound.


I dalje sam pod jakim utiskom noćašnjeg koncerta Vranjkovića i benda mu.

Nisam veliki poklonik Vranjkele, ali otkako je promenio list i počeo pozitivnije da se ponaša, a i legao mi biološki minimum kao album koji mi je dao uvid u kako to sve zvuči za današnje standarde. Bila je pametna odluka otići na njega, posle dugog koncertnog posta.

Ono što mi je zapalo za oko tokom nastupa, super probrana setlista, dosta Blokej pesama, i te pesme zvuče kosmički kada ih opiče, pogotvo ove poslednje gde shredduju i pršte kosmičke eksplozije rifova. Samo zatvoriš oči i nisi više tu, već u svemiru.

Dobro su odradili i animaciije i osvetljenje, efektivni prikazi poslednjeg omota, Tarkovskog u Andreju, i Bremeplova.

Zvuk je bio odličan, malo su ga panjili na momente, ali nije bilo previše mikrofonije da ga umuti da bude nekih većih problema.

Smešno mi bilo kada je Vranjkela između pesama rekao nešto u stilu: Znam da je velika razdaljina između nas, mi smo ovde pod ovim reflektorima, ali vaši blicevi mi smetaju i ne mogu da čitam tekstove, ne znam ih sve napamet." Još će i stendap rutinu početi da radi. 😄

I super je što su poslednjih 5-6 Blokej pesama svi ustali (svirači), i vidi se da su uživali u svakom momentu svirke, baš lep i prelep osećaj.
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