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Xseries XBOX Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase - 12. jun 2022.

Ako najave Forza Motorsport za jesen tačno ću biti u iskušenju duzmem S.
MS će da izdominira na svojoj konferenciji. Spremi pare za kupovinu konzole.

Fable and Perfect Dark Won’t Be Featured at Xbox Showcase

Neither of those games are ready to be shown, they both need more time. They could have gotten assets ready for them, they could have shown gameplay for both of these games, but they have so many other things that they need to show and they need to get out that it seems right that they're going to sideline these games in favor of other stuff and then next year come back with Fable and Perfect Dark.

Znaci ipak ce biti Avowed, sem Starfileda i pomenutog, nista zanimljivo za mene...
Da vidim jedno taj Quake sta je...
i opet nista Indiana...
Ja jedino hocu da vidim hoce li Scorn imati "somber tapestry". :D
Ajmo Xbox nešto pametno i od Vas da znam jel konačno došlo vreme uzimati Series konzolu :)
Sto da se ogranicavas na mizernih 12TF, kada ce krajem ove godine izaci maltene 100TF graficke za PC!!! :D 🔥🔥🔥
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