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Unreal Engine/Unity/Gamedev

Corridoru u goste dosao Paul Debevec, jedan od najuticajnijih istraživača/naučnika/VFX artista u poslednjih 30tak godina.

Videh ovo na netu...

Remnant II Unreal Engine 5 + Nanite
4K @ MEDIUM, CPU bleji a 4090 zakucan na 100% uz 45fps-a


Bice na kraju DF u pravu, base konzole ce u Lumen+Nanite igrama da ciljaju na 1080p30, ne bi me cudilo mozda i sa upscale-om.
Sta rade idioti iz Unity-ja lol
Svuda drama hoce da naplacuju 20 centi po instalaciji lol Ko jos gleda koliko puta si nesto instalirao, sta ce da instaliraju svima neki spyware na komp :D

20 centi je za "personal" account holdere, svako ozbiljniji ima skuplji paket. Mada svejedno, hoce i njima da naplate instalacije. Bilo je prvih par dana jako puno vaternih reakcija i nepoznatih detalja, Unity je makar na kraju rekao da se demo/gamepass/charity instalcije "uglavnom" nece racunati. I da developeri treba da se jave oko narodnih instalacija. :D :D Not as shitty kao prvog dana, ali i dalje shitty.

Bas clusterfuck, bice jos fallouta za ovaj biznis potez.

As reported by Cyber Daily, the gang, which goes by the name Mogilevich, posted a message on its darknet leak site giving more information on its claimed leak of the Fortnite and Epic Games Store company.

"We have quietly carried out an attack to Epic Games' servers," the message reads.

It also claims to have compromised "email, passwords, full name, payment information, source code and many other data", amounting to a total size of 189GB.

"Data is also for sale", it says, adding a link for "an employee of the company or someone who would like to buy the data".

The gang has given a deadline of March 4 for someone to buy the data, but has not given a specific figure, nor has it indicated what it will do with the data if the deadline passes.
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