Fantastic Beasts 3 Unveils Official Title & New 2022 Release Date
Warner Bros. Pictures has officially announced the title and new release date for the long-awaited Fantastic Beasts 3, which will once again be led by Eddie Redmayne.

a taman sam hteo da pustim samo zbog njeeee
pa ne moraju da budu silikoni, dovoljno je onaj brus sto dize sise gore...
Retkost, perfektni primerci, nisu silikoni
Fantastic Beasts 3 Unveils Official Title & New 2022 Release Date
Warner Bros. Pictures has officially announced the title and new release date for the long-awaited Fantastic Beasts 3, which will once again be led by Eddie Redmayne.www.comingsoon.net
Ja cekam 3 deo pa da gledam od 1Zaspao sam kod oba dela, videcemo da li ce i treci da me odradi na dremkicu.