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PS4 XONE Switch The Outer Worlds


Well-known member
Reaction score

PC - 82 | PS4 - 85 | Xbox One - 85
Main 12½ | Main +Extras 24½ | Completionist 36 | All 25

The Outer Worlds je akcioni RPG starih majstora Obsidian Entertainment.
Kada startujete igru, prvo ce vam u oci upasti losa grafika, lose animacije i sto manje-vise sve deluje zastarelo.
Medjutim, ako volite ovaj zanr, igra ce vas brzo kupiti.

Svet je zanimljiv, dijalozi su kvalitetni i bas mi je prijao neozbiljan ton igre.
Igra je jako strimlajnovana - uvek je apsolutno jasno kuda bi trebalo ici, fast travel se bas lako otkljucava, igra moze da se igra i bez pracenja dijaloga, kompanjoni ne trose municiju, cak i dialog history moze da se pogleda (za slucaj da je potrebno napraviti izbor).
Sto se mana tice, ocigledno je da ovo nije AAA igra - iste lokacije se koriste za sporedne misije, vidi se da se dizajn okruzenja nimalo nije pomerio od prosle generacije. Ovo je jos jedna u moru igara koje su teze na pocetku, a kasnije postaju prelake.
Igra je kratka, ali ne bih ni zeleo da duze traje, tako da ostaje zanimljiva do samog kraja.


PC - 74 | PS4 - 70 | Xbox One- 79
Main 4½ | Main +Extras 9½ | Completionist 17 | All 10½

Prvi DLC donosi 6-7 dodatnog sadrzaja pre svega namenjenog fanovima igre.
DLC je previse lak, ako se igra sa high level likom. Najbolje je igrati ga negde na polovini igre.


Drugi i finalni DLC izlazi za dva dana.

Obsidian has confirmed that Murder on Eridanos, sci-fi adventure The Outer Worlds' second expansion, will be making its way to PC, Xbox, and PlayStation next Wednesday, 17th March.

Murder on Eridanos, which follows on from last year's Peril on Gorgon expansion, sets players the task of uncovering renowned actress Halcyon Helen's killer, an investigation that takes them all across a luxury resort of drifting islands caught in a perpetual storm.

There are clues to find using the new Discrepancy Amplifier tool, alibis to scrutinise, and witnesses to interrogate - including some of the planet's biggest stars - and Obsidian maintains The Outer Worlds' choice-driven action by giving players a broad range of options when it comes to identifying the culprit.
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Prešao sam main igru još prošle godine i super je. Dobar RPG, ali takođe i kratak. Trebalo mi svega 27 sati za prelazak.
prešao sam je čim je izašla, jer je bila na gamepassu day1.

slažem se u potpunosti sa onim što si napisao, al ima taj obsidian šmek koji volim. :)
Preshao chim se pojavila. Hvala igri shto mi je pomogla da skapiram zashto ne gotivim nove Fallout igre niti Skyrim/Morrowind - duzhina i sloboda. Ne volim kada imam preteranu slobodu u igrama, jer jednostavno sve moram da vidim i onda se zasitim. To nije bio sluchaj sa The Outer Worlds.

Igra postaje prelaka kasnije, bukvalno postane shooter, a pored toga me blago iritiralo forsiranje humora i nekakvog quirkiness, ali prezhiveo sam.
Trebalo mi je oko 20 sati da je predjem, a nakon prelaska sam skapirao da nisam sreo 2 mogutja followera. Ne znam kako sam ih propustio, ali okej, sveshtenik i ona gej cura su mi bili dovoljni za sve.
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Ja cekam sve dlceve da izadju pa onda da obrnem ceo content skippovo sam gamepass verziju.
20ak sati za open world RPG je po meni neverovatno kratko, ali baš baš kratko. Baš sam se nadao "Fallout in space" iskustvu od 100+ sati, al jbg...
20ak sati za open world RPG je po meni neverovatno kratko, ali baš baš kratko. Baš sam se nadao "Fallout in space" iskustvu od 100+ sati, al jbg...

Ne mislis da je 2.5+ radne nedelje od po 40h previse?

Zamisli da ides u streljanu 2x nedeljno na pucanje po sat vremena - to je za godinu dana oko 100h.
Za to vreme bukvalno razvijes real life skill :D
20ak sati za open world RPG
Nije ovo full openworld RPG, vise je "ima malo prostora" izmedju bitnijih delova igre. Napravise igru na brzaka, kratka kampanja ali sa dosta grananja [mada lupise veliku cenu bez problema].
I treba da lupe visoku cenu. "Besplatno" na gamepassu, a Sony fanovi 60 kao gospoda :).
Hvala bogu, zato sam je i prešao na GamePass-u pre godinu dana, a kupiću je na PSN-u (da je imam u kolekciji) kada padne cena.
Ne mislis da je 2.5+ radne nedelje od po 40h previse?

Zamisli da ides u streljanu 2x nedeljno na pucanje po sat vremena - to je za godinu dana oko 100h.
Za to vreme bukvalno razvijes real life skill :D
jbg sve zavisi koliko vremena imas za igru, ranije mi 100+ sati nije bilo problem, sad mi vec jeste, recimo 60-70 bi mi sad bilo taman.
jbg sve zavisi koliko vremena imas za igru, ranije mi 100+ sati nije bilo problem, sad mi vec jeste, recimo 60-70 bi mi sad bilo taman.
Za svo vreme koje kazes da igri, moras reci necem drugom ne.
A grind, osrednji questovi i slab filler content ne znam da li je nesto cemu zelim da kazem da.

Radije bi platio igru 3x vise za 3x manje contenta, gde je bas sve probrano.

Jedini razlog sto mi se ovo igra je bas duzina.
Xbox app je i dalje krs, nisam juce znao kako da startujem dlc, jer je aplikacija prikazivala samo dlc i season pass.
Na kraju sam otisao na reddit i procitao da se dlc mora instalirati iz MS prodavnice (DL je 10mb).

Krenuo sam da igram, prva dva sata su bas zanimljiva - bas je dosta price, humor je odlican, jako sam se iznenadio kada su me protivnici prvi put napali, potpuno sam zaboravio da ovde ima pucanja :).

GameSpew : 9/10
Ultimately, Murder on Eridanos serves as a magnificent send-off to The Outer Worlds. It’ll keep you hooked from beginning to end; it’s a shining example of how to do downloadable content and has me eagerly awaiting the Fallout: New Vegas sequel that only exists in my head.
Noisy Pixel : 9/10
The Outer Worlds: Murder on Eridanos has everything that fans loved with a little extra to make it the proper send-off for this title. The whodunit direction was a smart way to focus on the amazing writing this game offers while causing the player to break down the possible suspects and solve this mystery. This expansion is Obsidian at their best and compliments this entire experience so well. It’s just sad that there won’t be more.
MMORPG.com : 8,5/10
The Outer Worlds Murder On Eridanos is my favorite story in the Outer Worlds. Obsidian did a great job at presenting this murder mystery and created an experience I wanted to explore and adventure in. A bit too much hand holding lead to a few moments of mild irritation and a lack of any new combat mechanics feels like a bit of a missed opportunity. Overall, though, it was a great experience and one I would recommend if you’re a fan of Outer Worlds. The DLC drops today(as of the time of publication) on Steam so head on over there to check it out.
Techraptor : 8,5/10
Say farewell to The Outer Worlds with its final DLC, offering an adventure full of witty dialogue and the best location the game has to offer.
Screen Rant : 8/10
Murder on Eridanos is an enjoyable adventure slotted neatly into the preexisting story of The Outer Worlds which, while not changing much about the status quo, still provides hours of enjoyment. The different amount of companion interactions (bring Felix along at least once) and interjections during pivotal plot moments - something which must have taken an impressive amount of work from the game's developers considering the amount of questline choices and story variations there are - give Murder on Eridanos a lot of replay value for those players who are looking for getting the most of out their money, and, as the final DLC for The Outer Worlds, it would have been fairly hard for Murder on Eridanos to send the game off with any more style.
VG247 : 8/10
Murder on Eridanos feels like The Outer Worlds at its best. Roleplay, diverging quest lines, and carefully balanced absurdity have always been at the heart of the game, and this DLC feels like a freer exploration of that core concept. Without having to juggle the high-stakes of the main story across an extended run-time and multiple planets, there’s more leeway to knit a larger cast of more interconnected characters together for a more engaging mystery.
Ezanime : 8/10
Murder on Eridanos feels like The Outer Worlds at its best.
Everyeye.it : 7,5/10
Despite some occasional qualitative fluctuations and a small failure in the final bars, in fact, the history of the DLC remains on the excellent levels seen both in the base game and in the previous expansion.
Gamersky : 7,5/10
Murder on Eridanos continues the high quality of The Outer Worlds,the dark humor carried over from the Fallout series remains a unique experience. The outstanding scene design and compelling story line both make this last DLC excellent. It can be said that "World beyond the Sky" has come to a satisfying and evocative end.
PC Invasion : 7,5/10
The Murder on Eridanos DLC expansion doesn't add too much to the Outer Worlds experience, but it has just enough personality and humor to make it worthwhile.
IGN Italy : 7,4/10
An interesting but flawed DLC that can provide some new fun adventures in Obsidian's sci-fi RPG.
IGN : 7/10
The final expansion to Obsidian’s original sci-fi RPG is a low-key but intriguing finale. The Outer Worlds: Murder on Eridanos puts us into a traditionally structured murder mystery with a few good turns to investigate across one of its weirdest planets yet. It doesn’t revive the stale combat but it does give us a good reason to come back to the crew of the Unreliable to solve one last case.
Wccftech : 7/10
Murder on Eridanos provides an intriguing story to follow thanks to its murder investigation premise, even though the DLC otherwise maintains all of the pros and cons of The Outer Worlds and its previous DLC, Peril on Gorgon.
Jeuxvideo.com : 6/10
Fans, for their part, will find all the ingredients that made up the recipe for the base game and will be able to immerse themselves in this fanciful universe for 5 to 7 hours.
Bilo je ovo bas prijatnih 10-tak sati, drugi dlc je dosta bolji od prvog.
Zaplet je zanimljiv i podsetio me je na jednu od omiljenih mi misija iz prvog KOTOR-a.
Napucavanja ima dosta manje i dlc se uglavnom svodi na istrazivanje i razgovore.
Kraj je odlican i potpuno u skladu sa pricom.

Cini mi se da su malo unapredili i grafiku, mada je zahtevnost i dalje previsoka, a i bilo je nekih problema sa senkama i osvetljenjem.
Humor mi se bas svideo.
Sve u svemu, ako vam se igra iole svidela, obavezno odigrajte i ovo.
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