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Splinter Cell Remake


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Real Journalist
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@Wahad It's finally happening!

Matt West: To me, a remake takes what you'd do in a remaster and goes a little bit further with it. The original Splinter Cell has a lot that was amazing and revolutionary at the time it came out, 19 years ago. The gaming public now has an even more refined palate. So, I think it kind of has to be a remake as opposed to a remaster. Although we're still in the very earliest stages of development, what we're trying to do is make sure the spirit of the early games remains intact, in all of the ways that gave early Splinter Cell its identity. So, as we're building it from the ground up, we're going to update it visually, as well as some of the design elements to match player comfort and expectations, and we are going to keep it linear like the original games, not make it open world. How do we make sure that new fans are able to pick up the controller and dive right in, and fall in love with the game and the world right from the get-go?

Peter Handrinos: From a tech perspective, if I had to boil it down to a couple of words in terms of the difference, what we're doing is exploration and innovation here. We've got a new engine and a new console lifecycle to take advantage of, so the tech is one area that we don't want stuck in the past.

MW: The phrase "Stealth Action Redefined" from the original game has actually proven to be a really valuable North Star for us. We're able to, for example, apply that to what Peter was just saying, as far as being able to prototype and innovate and test some stuff out. That is very much in keeping with us redefining what stealth action is going to feel like for a modern audience.

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Najviše bih voleo da bude na varijantu Chaos Theory, mada sam se skroz dobro zabavio i izigrao uz Blacklist, not gonna lie.
Games developed by Ubisoft Toronto include Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Far Cry 5, Starlink: Battle for Atlas, Far Cry 6, and Watch Dogs Legion.

Ovo su fantasticne vestiiii!!! Nikada necu zaboravi 2002.kada sam bukvalno osvanuo do zore u lokalnoj PC igraonici uz ovu igru. Dok su svi igrali mp ja sam bio gospodin igrajuci spektakularnu Sam Fisher avanturu! Nadam se da osluskuju fanove, sto znaci no open world, no blacklist
Igraće se, preorder ko kuća
Zašto? Ajde da se nadaš da je dobro pa da kupiš kad izađe kad budeš bar malo siguran da je dobro urađeno. Ali zašto preorder i to kao kuća?

I to pišem ne računajući ovo u tekstu iz prvog posta:

"what we're doing is exploration and innovation here"

Innovation u remasteru, remakeu? Pa odmah tu vidim da hype-uju najviše što mogu neki poluproizvod. I još radi Ubisoft koji je postao grozna gaming kompanija poslednjih godina.

Ne trolujem, baš sam razočaran koliko iznova i iznova toliko ljudi bude oduševljeno remaster-ima i remake-ovima kad uvek imaju originale i posle svih razočarenja i otaljavanja posla u ovakvim situacijama u poslednje vreme.

Neću više da pišem ni ovde, želim vam da ipak uživate kad se toliko radujete, ali nisam izdržao da bar jednom ne prokomentarišem.

Sent from my Mi 9T Pro using Tapatalk
Ja se radujem zato što mi se igra splinter, pa makar i rimejk.
Znam da dobar nastavak neće u narednih par godina.
A i ja ne volim taj trend rimejkova, muženje love na konto stare slave, bez nekih novih ideja.
Ja se radujem zato što mi se igra splinter, pa makar i rimejk.
Znam da dobar nastavak neće u narednih par godina.
A i ja ne volim taj trend rimejkova, muženje love na konto stare slave, bez nekih novih ideja.

Ovde je fora da nema novih ideja, jer su nove ideje govno.

A što se tiče nastavka, kontam da je ovo soft reboot franšize ser su i rekli da će ovaj deo biti dobar temelj za buduće delove, znači ono... kontam da će resetovati franšizu ako ovo prođe dobro.

U SC priči ima hiljadu stvari koje nisu ispričane u igrama, pogotovo prošlost Sam Fishera, tako da ono, može poprilično dobro da se odradi.

Sada će neko reći misija u afganistanu sigurno....
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