• Dragi članovi, prochitajte OVU vest u vezi nove teme!
  • Molimo vas sve da pročitate PRAVILA FORUMA i da se istih pridržavate.
  • Secret Level Discord server je LIVE! Za više informacija kliknite OVDE

Život i dela, jednog jedinog, gospodina Kođime


Kojima novine sa njegovog gostovanja u Japanskoj radio emisiji:
  • Working on a big AAA title that everyone will say that they want to play.
  • Wants to make a smaller project that is not a open world or shooter game.
  • Kojima said are that they don't have enough staff and are having difficulty recruiting new staff from abroad due to the worldwide pandemic.
  • LA production studio are making drama, film and anime!
Onaj za kog se Kojima jedino obradovao :D

Mislim to je zbog majice, ali ajde sada...
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