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Život i dela, jednog jedinog, gospodina Kođime

Ever since he was a child, Metal Gear Solid and Death Stranding creator Hideo Kojima was a voracious consumer of movies, music, and books. They ignited his passion for stories and storytelling, and the results can be seen in his groundbreaking, iconic video games. Now the head of independent studio Kojima Productions, Kojima’s enthusiasm for entertainment media has never waned. This collection of essays explores some of the inspirations behind one of the titans of the video game industry, and offers an exclusive insight into one of the brightest minds in pop culture.
Kojima je imao plan da napravi epizodni horor projekat za Stadiju, ali Google je otkazao sav interni development i skupe eksterne ugovore.

Google‘s Stadia team cancelled dozens of projects and third-party licensing deals as part of its shift away from video game production in recent months, people with knowledge of its plans told VGC.

The Google cloud gaming division cancelled a multiplayer game led by a former Assassin’s Creed creative, a sequel to Journey to the Savage Planet and backed out of proposals for Hideo Kojima (Death Stranding) and Yu Suzuki (Outrun) to create exclusive games for Stadia, the sources said.


The Kojima Productions project is understood to have been positioned as an episodic horror game. Sources indicated that the Japanese studio was keen to innovate in the cloud gaming space, but the deal was ultimately blocked by Stadia GM Phil Harrison last year.

This is possibly the project designer Hideo Kojima was referring to last summer, when he told a Japanese publication he had recently seen a “major” project cancelled. “I’m pretty pissed, but that’s the games industry for you,” he said.

Najavio je juce da uskoro stize velika vest, i masa se odmah primila da ce biti epic vesti. :D

Hehe, zamalo da dobijemo Square Enix-ov "Please be excited > FFXV DLCs are canceled". :D
Dobro me podseti gospodin da proverim ima li shta novo od Itoa prevedeno.
Blizi nam se izgleda nastasvak ovog snimka na nekoj buducoj Xbox prezentaciji :D

Jos kad bi Kojima najavio Revengeance 2 :D
postoje ikakve sanse da radi bilo sta metal gear?
Near zero. Mozda za deceniju-dve kada se ispuca sa trenutnim idejama i neko iznindzuje i da budzet za HQ povratak MGS-a.

Vise mi se cini da ce on eksperimentisati sa novim zanrovima i gameplay sistemima, ko zna sta je hteo sve da uradi sa igrom koju Stadija nije htela da izfinansira. Mozda ce to isto da isproba kod MS-a.Rekao je da bi u buducnosti mogao raditi i na manjim igrama pored velikih projekata, kao i na non-gaming projektima.
Kojima je skoro pominjao junji itoa, bilo bi fino da rade zajedno na horor igri...silent hills samo drugo ime
“Big Boss less Rick Ross more like a wavy Hideo, Kojima they tote steamers round the way we tippy toe, round crack vials, and cold blooded killers no reptiles“ -


Nemam pojma sta pise, izgleda da je neki film, ali ono gore je jugoslovenski spomenik

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Yup, Spomenik Revolucije Naroda Moslavine. Pojavljuje se u General Horse and the Package of Doom.
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