Ovaj bi bio gori i od Lucasa da mu se pruži prilika da pravi filmove.I'm afraid to play the past games by myself because I'm worried about the parts I want to fix.
Da, razumem ovo, isto kao sto neki glumci mrze da vide sebe na ekranu, i to mi je bilo cudno dok i sam nisam to iskusio i uvideo zasto to i jeste tako, to je takav cringe fest, jer svi smo sami sebi najveci kriticari i onda na ekranu mislis da si ocajno ispao, jer gledas svaku i najmanju sitnicu, a ustvari si bio super u ocima svih ostalih."Thank you. I am afraid to play past games by myself. I'm afraid to play the past games by myself because I'm worried about the parts I want to fix.