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PS5 Xseries PC No Rest for the Wicked


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From Moon Studios, the award-winning developers of Ori and the Blind Forest and Ori and the Will of the Wisps comes No Rest for the Wicked, a visceral, precision ARPG.




Iako ima top-down kameru, ovo nije brzi hack & slasher kao Diablo vec je mnogo bliza pazljivijem stamina tempu igranja iz Souls igara. Ali nema corpse run-a, gubitka XP-a i respawna ubijenih monstera posle smrti.

Puna verzija igre se sprema za PC, PS5 i Series konzole, datum premijere pune verzije za sada nije poznat. Igra je upravo usla u Early Access, trenutno je #1 best seller na Steam-u. Umesto kompozitora Gareth Coker-a koji je radio na njiove obe Ori igre, za ovaj mracni naslov su unajmili Jason Graves koji je poznat po muzici u igrama Dead Space 1-3, The Order: 1886, Until Dawn, Lone Echo 1-2, Moss 1-2, i The Dark Pictures Anthology igrama.

Evo i DF pogleda na neka od tehnickih resenja iz EA verzije igre:
Brate ovo je sigurno jedna od najlepsih igara IKADA sto sam video. Znaci fenomenalno izgleda. Ova igra je dokaz da Art style >>>> over everything else.
Gameplay je za sada super, uvek sam voleo ovaj tip igara. Borba je sporija verzija stunlockovih igara. Plus diablo style loot. Ne znam koliko sadrzaja ima u ovom EA da li da igram dalje ili da cekam izlazak igre. Definitivno ce biti hit.
mislim da je bolje tako. obisao sam malo steam reviewove i performanse igre su trenutno lose i naravno da postoji i jos zamerki. bice ovo dugo peglanje dok ne utegnu sve
Brate ovo je sigurno jedna od najlepsih igara IKADA sto sam video. Znaci fenomenalno izgleda. Ova igra je dokaz da Art style >>>> over everything else.
Gameplay je za sada super, uvek sam voleo ovaj tip igara. Borba je sporija verzija stunlockovih igara. Plus diablo style loot. Ne znam koliko sadrzaja ima u ovom EA da li da igram dalje ili da cekam izlazak igre. Definitivno ce biti hit.
lepa je igra, ali nije ispolirana. ne odaje grandiozan utisak kao ori npr. svakako super je artstyle u kombinaciji sa kvalitetnim osvetljenjem i hdr-om. ako će dorađivati na tu stranu, ima potencijal.

što se tiče gameplaya, borba je soulslike poprilično. malo mi je preterano koliko malo ima stamine, ali zabavno je. od borbe mi je istraživanje lokacija još zabavnije.
Konacno neka igra oko koje covek moze da se uzbudi.
Deluje kao veliki hit u najavi.
Impresionira broj tehnologija koje su ubacili u nju i koliko to sve zajedno dobro izgleda i radi, siguran sam da ce ispeglati sve sto treba, vec sad deluje u prilicno dobrom stanju za jedan EA.
Jedino sto mi se ne svidja je taj ogroman grad sa gomilom NPC-a sa kojima mozes da pricas, ali skipovace se taj deo opusteno...
Obavezno updateujte drivere, dosta mi je skocio framerate kada sam skinuo zadnji driver.

Super je igra, mada bas dosta poena mora da se ulozi u random statove da se gameplay ucini podnosljivijim. Sacrament je bas iznenadjujuce velik grad, videcemo [verovatno u full verziji igre] da li ce ga iskoristiti za nesto dodatno pored casual istrazivanja.

Inace igra me je dobro zeznula sto mi je na samom startu dala samo randomly dropped wizzard staff, morao sam sa time da cistim ceo prvi keep.

Patch Notes - Early Access Hotfix 1

THANK YOU again to all of you for making our Early Access launch so amazing. Today’s hotfix is the first of many upcoming patches and updates to improve No Rest for the Wicked on the road to our 1.0 release.

We hear you! While we are hard at work on performance improvements and controller remapping — which are coming soon— please be sure to check the resolution settings for the game to be able to get the best experience in the meantime.

Today’s hotfix aims to improve Balance, Durability, Stamina, Loot, Stability, and immediate Quality of Life:

⚔️ Balance Changes:
• Reduced Durability Damage Taken
• Reduced Repair Costs
• Increased Drop Rate on Repair Powders
• Reduced Stamina Costs
• Reduced Fall Damage Curve

• Reduced cost of Horseshoe Crab and food that includes Horseshoe Crab
• Balance update for the Cerim Crucible boss
• Changed Corpse-Smeared Blade starting from Tier 2 to Tier 1

⚔️ Loot Changes:
• Introduced more Weapons into Fillmore's Pre-Sacrament Loot Table
• Reduced Drop Rate of Fallen Embers

⚔️ Stability:
• Fixed crash that could occur when quitting out to the main menu

⚔️ Bug Fixes:
• Improved inventory navigation
• Fixed jump at Potion Seller Cave so you can’t miss the jump when executed correctly
• Blocked off an out of bounds area of Nameless Pass
• Removed lingering dev tools

See the full patch notes here - https://pvtdi.vision/3vYJ7Pm

Patch Notes - Early Access Hotfix 2

No Rest for the Devs as we’re back with another hotfix! Today’s hotfix aims to improve Performance (woooo!), Durability, Food costs, as well as introducing fishing rods to Whittacker's loot table. We’ve also improved enemy spawning in Nameless Pass, fixed some gaps in localization, and squashed a handful of bugs.

Keep sending us your feedback (and bug reports)! Now onto the patch notes.

⚔️ Performance Improvements:
Improved overall rendering performance
• Additional optimizations in Balanced and Performance Quality Modes
• Improved overall performance of Visual Effects and Fog
• Improved performance on the Ship Prologue
• Additional smaller performance improvements

⚔️ Balance Changes:
• Increased Durability on tools:
• Tier 1 - 100 Durability
• Tier 2 - 125 Durability
• Tier 3 - 150 Durability

• Nerfed Silver Ring’s enchantment and buffed base stats
• Buffed Riven Twins Boss by removing stagger on parry

⚔️ Loot Changes:
• Moved Water Channel key to a chest in the Black Trench while we investigate Plague Leader not spawning for certain players
• Adjusted Food costs to be more balanced in terms of cost to health gained
• Improved drops for Clay and other rocks at Dig Spots
• Introduced fishing rods to Whittacker's loot table

⚔️ Crafting Changes:
• Added Tool crafting at Crafting Tables

⚔️ Area Changes:
• Improved critter spawns (such as Deer) in some areas
• Improved enemy spawning in Nameless Pass
• Added a few more loot spawn locations in Nameless Pass
• Polished art and climbables for Mariner's Keep

⚔️ Combat Improvements:
• Adjusted Wolf and Plague Wolf targeting to remove aggressive rotation
• Improved Audio for Riven Twins Boss

⚔️ Bug Fixes:
• Fixed missing text in Chinese (Simplified & Traditional)
• Fixed certain interaction texts appearing in the wrong language
• Improved clarity for Filmore’s free repairs till you reach Sacrament
• Fixed Map not showing area names on hover
• Fixed enemies becoming kaijus (visually)
• Fixed Echo Knight Boss AoE damage zone not matching visual effects
• Fixed Shinies and Chests visually pulling a disappearing act in sewers
• Fixed deleted chests not dropping loot bags when inventory is full
• Removed the chest roasting over an open Campfire in Nameless Pass
• Fixed rain sounds from occasionally appearing in the Phalen Church cinematic
• Fixed Terms of Service and Privacy Policy screens so they appear correctly in all languages
Odradio sam sve što se može za ovu fazu.
Borba je prilično satisfying kada vam ide. Istraživanje skrivenih prolaza i loota je i dalje highlight.

Jedini problem je inventory management. Napravljen je tako da bude u stilu survival igara, pa se brzo napuni, pa ne postoji jedan chest koji može sve da primi, nego idi kod stolara i kupuj sanduke, koje možeš da ređaš samo u svojoj kući, za koju moraš lepe pare da pljuneš, a koja se nalazi ultra daleko od prodavaca, a igra ne aggregatuje koliko imaš resursa kod sebe+po kovčezima, već moraš svaki put da vidiš koliko ti treba resursa, pa onda da rovariš po sanducima. dosta ume da smara to... ali vidim da ljudi jako plaču po tom pitanju na internetima, pa verujem da će to da izmene...
Jedini problem je inventory management. Napravljen je tako da bude u stilu survival igara, pa se brzo napuni, pa ne postoji jedan chest koji može sve da primi, nego idi kod stolara i kupuj sanduke, koje možeš da ređaš samo u svojoj kući, za koju moraš lepe pare da pljuneš, a koja se nalazi ultra daleko od prodavaca, a igra ne aggregatuje koliko imaš resursa kod sebe+po kovčezima, već moraš svaki put da vidiš koliko ti treba resursa, pa onda da rovariš po sanducima. dosta ume da smara to... ali vidim da ljudi jako plaču po tom pitanju na internetima, pa verujem da će to da izmene...
Auf, to zvuchi bash jezivo.
Kod mene ti momenti u igrama izazivaju nekakvu paniku, josh ako zhelim da koristim nekakvu logiku prilikom sortiranja...

Shto se tiche ostalog, ne gledam vishe nishta o igri. To malo shto sam video mi deluje interesantno. Prochitatje se po koji review, ali nishta vishe od toga.
Atmosfera, broba i upgrade sistem su veoma dobri, definitinvo imaju odlicnu osnovu za za ostatak igre koji nije pokriven u ovom early access-u. Grafika sabija, ali bas trazi jak hardver trenutno i neke scene su bas agresivno mracne.

Inventar i teleport su definitivno nezgrapni, mislim da ce ih community naterati da pretumbaju te sisteme tokom early access-a. Sto se inventara tice moze da ostane sve kako jeste, ali da vendori [i upgrade alatke koje mogu da se instaliraju unutar kuca] dobiju pristup celom inventaru igraca.

A teleport sistemu definitivno treba vise permanentnih waypoint-ova ili nacina da igra sam odabere koje lokacije su mu bitne. Ja sam evo bio odustao od Twins bossfight-a radi dodatnog grind-a, sto znaci, povratak tamo zahteva pesacenje kroz ceo Nameless Pass.
^ jesam otkljucao sve, ali ne odustajem od te kritike.

Danasnji Hotfix 5 slavi prvih nedelju dana Early Access-a sa dosta poboljsanja.

Patch Notes - Early Access Hotfix 5
Today marks the one week anniversary since our Steam Early Access Launch and it warrants an extra beefy hotfix full of significant performance improvements, balance changes, stack size increases, 32:9 support, Quality of Life additions, 8 new shields, polish, localization and bug fixes.

As always, please be sure to share any issues or feedback with us!

Performance Improvements:
  • Further improved Quality Settings for better performance when at higher visual quality
  • Optimized rendering of volumetric Fog
  • Optimized shadow rendering
  • Reduced resolution transparency rendering tech for GPU heavy overdraw situations
  • Significantly reduced unnecessary memory allocations across many game systems
  • Improved handling of asset unloading to reduce performance degradation over time
  • Tracked down and improved several sources of CPU-side stuttering when the game is loading assets
  • Optimized instantiation costs for various often-used Visual Effects and Characters.
  • Reduced mutex contention cases that caused performance stutter while streaming content
  • Optimized icon texture resolutions and memory consumption
  • Optimized Sacrament rooftop models and textures (rooftops, rooftops everywhere)
  • Multiple smaller general CPU optimizations for better overall performance
Quality of Life:
  • Added ability to deposit all items from the players inventory that match the types already in the selected chest
  • Default chest sorting changed to Sort By Type
  • Enhanced durability system for tools and armor, ensuring correct values are displayed and used
  • Increased supported aspect ratios to 32:9
    • Remaining visual glitches with 32:9 will be addressed in future updates
  • Increased stack size of cooking and crafting materials to 25, allowing for better management of resources
  • Food can now be stored in cupboards
  • Removed Blueprints from Fillmore shop before Anvil is unlocked
Content Additions:
  • Implemented eight new shields for better class diversity
  • Widespread improvements to translations and localizations, we’ve fixed typos, updated NPC dialogues, and ensured consistency across various languages
  • Fixed UI translations, including screens for house buying and management, equipment, and warning messages
  • Implemented better localization handling mechanisms for NPC names and dialogue
  • Major Balance Revisions to provide a smoother experience and prevent high level item drops too early
  • Adding Stamina cost for parrying with Shields
Enemies and Bosses:
  • Adjusted Prisoner Wolf enemy to jump around less
  • Added ability for Shackled Brute to dodge after attacking
  • Updated Echo Knight fight initiation to reposition instead of attacking right away
  • Polished Riven Twins taunt
  • Polished Risen Axe Bruiser attack animation
  • Polished parry animations for enemies
  • Updated Cerim Crucible so that leaving the realm will end your run and return you to the atrium. This is to prevent abusing backups and other potential loopholes.
  • Improved collision and faders in Cerim Crucible levels
  • Improved collision and faders in Mariner’s Keep and The Shallows
  • Improved faders and lighting in Sacrament
  • Improved Sacrament rooftops
  • Adjusted sound effects for better ambiance and clarity, including updated tree chopping SFX and ambient sounds in town areas.
  • Improved audio cues for NPC interactions to minimize overlaps and ensure clearer dialogues.
  • Improved spatial audio for Sacrament Rookery, Town Square, Slums and Training Grounds
  • Improved Echo Knight slam down AOE sound effects
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed bosses and a couple of bounty/quest variants of enemies spawning when not intended
  • Fixed player being able to accidentally delete a character when hovering while having another character selected. Now the hovered character will be deleted
  • Fixed and balanced Enchantment Effects across the board
  • Fixed Heavy Bandit being able to be pushed off the edge of the ship and block progress
  • Fixed Cerim Crucible run ending early if a realm save happens right after you finish a level
  • Fixed Durability of Tools being the wrong value when bought from vendors
  • Fixed turning in a Bounty showing the replacement prompt
  • Fixed exploit with certain bounties
  • Fixed shinies pulling a disappearing act (visually) in the Black Trench
  • Fixed Squire’s Attire Armor Set not available for crafting at the anvil
  • Fixed Tier on the Gangrenous Eel
  • Fixed Finley remaining in his cell after you rescue him and leave Nameless Pass
  • Fixed Finley’s missing sign in Sacrament
  • Fixed missing enemy and loot spawners in the northern section of Orban Glades
  • Fixed spot in Nameless Pass where you could go out of world
  • Fixed position of a rooftop in Sacrament
  • Fixed incorrect texture for the shipwreck in The Shallows
  • Removed duplicate models in Sacrament and Nameless Pass
  • Fixed bush clipping in the Inquisition Arrival cinematic
  • Fixed rain occasionally being heard during Falstead Darak fight
  • Fixed ragdolls blinking back into existence when going out of view and coming back in
Uskoro stize poboljsanje rada inventara [vendori ce moci da vide sav inventar igraca] i prebacice da housing bude dostupan cim se udje u sacrament [sa nizom cenom kuca].

I plan im je da rade na igri dugo godina posle premijere.
Stize jos optimizacija, a na DLSS-u jos rade. Jos nema vesti da li je igra ugrozena zbog nedavnih problema kod izdavaca Private Division.

Eva ga, prvi veliki patch!

Patch Notes - Early Access Patch 1

Celebrating our 2 week launch anniversary of No Rest for the Wicked we are releasing our first Early Access Patch!

This patch brings significant CPU and GPU performance improvements (especially when it comes to traversal and “heavy” areas), keyboard control remapping, a new mouse/keyboard control scheme, increased inventory stacks, chest inventory access at vendors / crafting, bows using stamina, earlier housing access, Quality of Life and 45+ bug fixes.

With all of the performance improvements since launch, we are updating our recommended PC specs! See the image below for details.

As always thank you for sharing your feedback, please keep it up!

Full changelog @ https://forum.norestforthewicked.com/t/patch-notes-early-access-patch-1/9963
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