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PS5 Xseries PC Doom: The Dark Ages


Well-known member
Real Journalist
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Announcing DOOM: The Dark Ages, the prequel to the critically acclaimed DOOM (2016) and DOOM Eternal and the third installment of the modern DOOM series. Developed by id Software on the latest idTech engine, DOOM: The Dark Ages is a single-player action FPS that tells the epic cinematic origin story of the DOOM Slayer's rage.

You are the DOOM Slayer, the legendary demon-killing warrior and the super weapon in this never-before-seen dark and sinister medieval war against Hell.

Launching 2025 on Xbox Series X|S, PC or PlayStation 5.

Prvi intervju sa Marty Stratton-om and Hugo Martin-om.
Hugo Martin otvoreno govori da ce The Dark Ages ima fokus na "stand and fight" gameplay, totalno drukcije od "F-22" aviona iz Doom Eternal-a.

Kaze vracaju se feelingu prvog Doom-a gde je kretanje sporih projektila teralo igraca da se udju ples horizontalnih izbegavanja. Sva oruzja su nova, i stit otvara nove mogucnosti igranja da se u mestu boris protiv jakih protivnika.
Igra stize u prodaju 15. maja!


RT GPU je obavezan. Kao i NVME SSD.
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