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PC Crowsworn


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Traverse the Remnants of a Cursed Kingdom…​

In a dark and oppressive world, where even the air seems to carry weight, you awake from a deep slumber. Seemingly void of purpose, you venture forth attempting to retrace your steps and regain your lost memories…
In Crowsworn you will explore a giant interconnected world that is inhabited by vicious enemies and monsters. And danger lurks around every corner.

Deluje mi kao 90% Hollow Knight sa atmosferom Bloodborna. :)
Na Kickstarteru trenutno.
Malo mi je samo artstyle prečist za taj tip atmosfere.
Ni malo mi se ne dopada artstyle. Ne bih da sernjam i kazhem da podsetja na Flash igre, ali tu je negde.
Meni samo smeta sto mi deluje kao da su ```pozajmili``` engine od Team Cherry/Hollow Kinght-a. :)
Ko sto @Apex rece, bukvalno kao Bloodborne mod za Hollow Knight
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