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PS5 Xseries PC Kingdom Come: Deliverance II


Well-known member
Real Journalist
Reaction score

Kultni klasik i ponosan clan grupe "evropskih open world igara koje se tehnicki raspadaju" Kingdom Come Deliverance iz 2018. godine je upravo dobio direktni nastavak u koji cilja da na jos verniji nacin prikaze srednjovekovne viteske i seljacke avanture u Bohemiji.

Igra stize u prodaju sutra 4. februara na PC, PS5 i Xbox Series X/S konzolama, i na svu srecu tehnicki je preporodjena u poredjenju na original.


91 MC na PS5 uz malo manje opisa

IGN 9/10
In many ways, Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 feels like it's picked up and run with the reactive first-person RPG torch that Bethesda left lying in the mud years ago in pursuit of a broader audience. And it has excellent melee combat, which The Elder Scrolls never came close to even at its peak. Sometimes it's not sure if it wants to be a cinematic tale about a specific guy going on a specific adventure or a truly dynamic open-world sandbox packed with interesting and varied side quests, and that can lead to a few immersion-shattering conflicts. But most of the time, leaning into one doesn't get in the way of the other, and you're free to go on any of its many optional adventures along the way to a thought-provoking and rousing finale for the main plot. I was delighted to get lost in its world, and it will be a long time before I forget its exceptional story.

Gamespot 9/10
While Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 still stumbles in some aspects of its portrayal of 15th-century Bohemia, the shadow that lingered over the first game has mostly dissipated. This is a massively improved sequel in every other area, with better combat, quest design, and none of the technical issues that plagued the original. Not everyone will vibe with its slow-paced and oftentimes tedious approach, but those willing to meet it on its own terms will find a compelling open-world RPG that relishes in player agency and the consequences of your actions.

Cernijev san ostvaren - 30fps Fidelity mod iz Base PS5 prebacen u skroz stabilnih 60fps na Pro-u [~70 uz VRR].
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Pojavio se pirat, mada ne vuce me cak ni da je probam, jer mi se kec uopste nije svideo.
Mada obzirom da je ovaj deo mnogo bolje optimizovan i da deluje da je bolja igra i da su sredili malo borbeni sistem, mozda je nekad probam, kad ocistim ceo backlog.

Jako dobre ocene ima doduse
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Da da, iznenadio sam se kad sam video da u opcijama nema glupog Frame Gena i prvi utisak na grafiku je bio wow! Mnogo dobro izgleda igra i dokaz da se moze optimizovati i da lepo izgleda igra i bez forsiranog RT. Ko bi rekao da ce CryEngine biti manje zahtevan i optimizovaniji od drugih enginea
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